Empowering leaders to facilitate sustainable transformation towards healthy reconciled communities based on holistic and Bibilical principles.
- + 27 21 887 0212
- office@itl.org.za
- +27 84 413 9699
We commit to practice a Journey of Life with God that by His grace will sustain a healthy life of sacrificial service as Kingdom servant leaders, to be transformed with the fresh newness of a life in Christ (Rom 12: 1–2) to live a called life of empowerment leading to the transformation of communities reconciled to Him and each other (2 Cor 5).
Healthy Priorities
We commit to order our time and energy, prayerfully considering God’s loving priorities for all aspects of our lives as servant leaders living with a healthy lifestyle.
• We live with the attitude that what we have is a gift from God, is cared for by God and is available to others when that is right.
Learning, discipleship and spiritual formation
We commit to a life of ongoing discipleship, learning and spiritual formation. We desire to find our identity in Christ and to be conformed to His image. We commit continually to learn and discover; to grow in wisdom and discernment; to have our minds and hearts transformed daily through the Holy Spirit and not to be conformed to the patterns set by the media or popular culture. We commit to cultivating the presence of God in the marketplace, following Christ and learning from Him.
Integrity in relationships
We commit to live with integrity in relationships, learning from Christ. We desire to be vulnerable, real and interdependent, renewing our relationships through forgiveness and reconciliation, and growing to maturity as we speak the truth in love. We commit to love our neighbours as Christ has loved us, listening to them and seeing them as Christ does.
Sacrificial service
We commit to live as servant leaders, imitating Christ in His humility and self-giving love (Philippians 2:1-11), which leads to creative service, bringing Life. Instead of accumulating power to benefit ourselves or exploit others, we use it to generate possibility and empower others. We commit to be stewards of the power and positions of influence we are entrusted with, and to serve others sacrificially.
Holistic transformation of communities
We confess that the Kingdom we pray for and serve on earth as it is in heaven concerns all aspects of life, society and creation. We are called to serve holistically, working and serving together with people of goodwill and especially the Body of Christ. We commit to making disciples (Matthew 28:19) and to seeking and doing justice (Luke 4:18-19 and Matthew 25:31-46).
We confess that the transformation of people, communities and culture, and therefore structures and systems, is the work of the Spirit, at work through the Body; and whom we seek to obey and echo (Psalm 127). We commit to seek the Kingdom first, to submit to God’s leading and to seek His will (Matt 6:33). We undertake to be peacemakers as servant leaders who bring people together in communities and work towards transformation based on Biblical principles.
We are blessed and have much reason for thankfulness in our lives: for our Creator Father, our friend Lord Jesus, and our comforter, the empowering Spirit. We commit to live with simplicity, worship, thankfulness and generosity. We confess that all we are and have is from God and we commit to faithful stewardship of all our talents, gifts, experiences, relationships, resources and time.