The African Leadership Institute for Community Transformation


Empowering and supporting emerging leaders who are called and commited to serve their communities in the various sectors they work or live.

The African Leadership Institute for Community Transformation (ALICT) is the first International Training program of its kind. By training innovative practitioners from all over the world, ALICT equips emerging Christian leaders to usher in the Spirit, principals and work of the Kingdom of God within the sector they are called to influence.
These leaders are given the capacity to build those around them and to create teams or subsequent communities of like-minded leaders to move forward in demonstrating and ushering in the priorities of the Kingdom.

ALICT believes that true Transformation of communities and ultimately society as a whole is only done in the power of Christ and by means of a holistic approach to life, faith and leadership.

As of 2024 ALICT has empowered more than 500 leaders from almost 116 different countries across the world. During the 3 month intensive residential program, students are pushed and challenged in every aspect of life as well as given skills in project planning, partnership & networking, vision casting, proposal writing and other practical areas.

ALICT is usually composed of ±30 students from ±30  different nations per program intake each year. Living, working, worshiping and studying together they become a family and challenge each other as much as they bless and encourage. As they participate in the intensive curriculum, these students are given a snapshot of eternity, uniting in their diversity to lay down their lives, titles, position and rights in service to Jesus Christ.

The intent is to empower young Christian leaders to be relevant agents of change, to commit to a lifestyle of learning, creating key relationships & partnerships, while training them to design and execute programs and projects towards change. Students are coached to bring new and innovative insight, knowledge and thinking to this process.


To see communities and nations in Africa and the world transformed through a new generation of Christian leaders.


To empower emerging leaders to facilitate sustainable transformation towards healthy reconciled communities based on biblical principles.


  • To serve the body of Christ internationally
  • To transform communities for Christ
  • To optimally build on community’s assets
  • To develop sound community transformation ethics

ALICT 2025 Applications to open 9 December 2024 and close 28 February 2025.
For more information about ALICT please send an email to

Location: Wellington, Western Cape, South Africa
Duration 3 Months:  31 July – 24 October 2025

Entry Requirements

  1. young adults, 23 – 35 years old who (with very limited exceptions),      
  2. have at least matriculated/completed from high school              
  3. have complete commitment to honouring Christ and furthering His Kingdom  
  4. demonstrate Christian faith and commitment  
  5. have the necessary leadership potential and competency to facilitate a significant service project in their community (community can be geographic/school/business/media/church etc)    
  6. have a passion for their local community            
  7. someone who is considered a team player by their co-workers, supervisor, and other individuals.
  8. someone with the desire and ability to learn. An ideal candidate for ALICT shows an openness to learn and is also able to receive constructive feedback and coaching and use it to grow their capacity to lead.    
  9. Someone committed to empower others and effectively grow leaders who empower others. 
  10. have shown vision and passion for community transformation through practical Kingdom initiatives with a traceable track record 
  11. have the ability to communicate (speak, read, understand and write) in English
  12. someone who is willing and able to bring meaningful contributions to the learning of fellow participants
  13. someone who understands that the learning experience ALICT offers is not necessarily as he/she expects and therefore would be open to a different way of learning, including challenges in a busy schedule with several assignments and projects,          
  14. are willing to send requested reports to the ALICT office during the next 5 years           
  15. somebody who understands that internet availability will be very limited and understands that importance of relationship and community and therefore will limit their use of technology to an extreme minimum.               
  16. someone who will implement the learning experience he/she receives effectively in his/her context on his or her return.  The support he/she will get from their church and/or others will determine the influence he/she will have as a community transformation facilitator.      
  1. who have a commitment from the leadership of the church that gives them support (and/or the ministry network they are involved in),

ALICT does not provide finances to pioneer or sustain their ministry or for their personal needs.  It is important that:

  1. They do not expect any future financial support for personal or ministry purposes
  2. They will have a financial sustainable income for their personal needs and for the ministry (in other words that they will not expect on ITL to provide them an income)


  • Total cost of US$ 6000, including the contribution of US $750 mandatory fee (if sponsored or not sponsored).
    Cut-off date for payments of 2025 to be confirmed.
  • All leaders accepted for the training must contribute US $750, even if a scholarship is granted.
  • Costs include accommodation, food, learning experience and travel in and to South Africa. It excludes expenses for personal needs and visa applications.
  • Limited scholarships are available on request.

Assessment during ALICT:

Designed as part of the learning experience, there are various assessments such as Pre-course assignment, assignments, peer evaluation, staff evaluation and the final exam that each participant will have to complete prior and during the training.

The aim is to evaluate the extent to which participants can internalize and contextualize the learning, while others will focus on their personal and leadership skills development. In order to graduate, participants have to submit on time their completed assignments, a written exam and to achieve an average mark of 50%.

Students are coached to bring new and innovative insight, knowledge and thinking to this process.

View annual group photos


ALICT become a life-changing experience for me. I will never be the same again I will keep practicing what I learned here. I keep processing all things God teaches me here, I am so thankful that God had brought me here. And the purpose that He wants me to do in mission is been ‘change’.
If I want to define ALICT, I would like to use this metaphor. I have asked GOD to give me a fish for me to eat daily, but GOD gave me a fishing hook (ALICT). GOD uses ALICT as a tool for me to know how life and how to give.
As for me, ALICT is not only the institute and education for ministry. For me, ALICT is a family where I could feel safe and free, where I could learn new experiences of communication and interaction. For me, ALICT is friends and an excellent example of service! I am blessed to have been able to study at ALICT and to meet a new family!!!

Any questions?

Send us a message and we will supply you with all the information needed.